the crying phrase is like, finally over.
i went to watch Singapore VS Malaysia
with rafe on saturday at the national stadium.
i like, almost fell alseep afew times
cos of lack of sleep for the past few days.
it's like daaaaamn boring during the 1st half can,
like, no gooooals or anything.
i was like shouting,
i think malaysia's supporters very poor thing.
cos like, you see the patch of yellow there?
it's just like, prolly 1/30 of the whoooooole national stadium?

we went out on sunday too,
watched The Loft.
and it's like OMG, the corny-iest movie
i've ever watched up till now.
hahas, it's like they say things like.
" we're free from everything now!
we'll go travelling, just you &me
till the end of the world! "
then the corpse was wheeled up
of the swamp by some machine thing,
and the guy was so terrified he fell
into the swamp and prolly just died too.
doesn't that just sounds so lame &corny?

we were like, in the middle of Praise &Worship meeting.
bored till.. i grew a moustache.

we were in ZARA's dressing room,
trying out some stuff.
but we were so bored we slacked there
for at least 10 mins,
talking &laughing so loudly in there.
&one thing,
i quitted my job at the childcare centre last week,
they gave me a baluku on my head can.
sooooo, i'm reaaaaally slacking now,
if you're free, feel free to ask me out!
i'd love some company too. :]
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